
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Square in a Square

I've been working on a few more quilting squares today! They mostly consist of the Square in a Square, so I wanted to detail how easy the process is. The squares I did will be 2 inches finished. I cut out (1) 1 7/8 square for the center and (2) 2 2 1/4 inch squares cut diagonally to make triangles.

After you've cut out your pieces, line two of the triangles up on top of the squares (wrong sides out). Using a 1/4 inch seam allowance, sew each triangle onto the square.

Iron the triangles out, with the seams ironed away from the square.

Pin the last two triangles onto the square on the last two sides. One trick I use to center the triangles perfectly is to make sure the little triangles the big triangle makes in the corners are the same size. If they look identical, you know your big triangle is centered.

Press the final sides out. make sure you press the front and the back.

Trim your Square in a square so it measures 2 1/2 inches. The easiest way for me to do this is to line the corners of the square up with the 1/4 inch line on my ruler and cut from there. Since you know you will have a 1/4 inch seam allowance, this should center your square perfectly.

Add your pieces to your finished block! The one below is the Johnny Around the Corner square.

1 comment:

  1. That Johnny is looking all kinds of complicated!
