
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Baby Rings Tutorial

Teething is probably my least favorite part of being a mother. My son won't sleep through the night for a week strait every time he's cutting a tooth. He'll get up at 1 and not go back to sleep until around 5 or 6! It wears me out.

I made a few sets of these teething rings to give  along with other gifts for baby showers. They're stuffed with cotton, so when they've been gnawed on too much and they're starting to look a little scary, they can just be thrown in the wash machine. 

They're a easy sew, and uses up the scrap flannel I have lying around.

5 pieces of flannel (2 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches)

*the 2 1/2 inch sides are considered the top and bottom

First you fold down the top piece of material a half inch and sew across the end with your standard 1/4 inch seam allowance. Now fold your mateiral in half so you have a 1 1/4 x 8  inch piece. The good/right sides should be facing in, and the wrong sides facing out. Sew along the side edge. Flip this inside out and you should have a tube like above. Now, sew along the bottom of the tube to close it off.

Now it's time to stuff these bad boys. Just use what ever filling you have on hand. If you have an old pillow you no longer use, that batting would work too. You want to stuff these pretty full, but leave about an inch from the top unstuffed.

For the first, center, and last ring, fold the sewn off end into the other side and sew the ends together by hand. I found it easiest to pin the sides together, then sew through the entire thing. I chose a blue, pink, and green ring for my three.

After the first three, you'll need to connect the first and third ring with the second ring. Do so by stringing 1 and 3 onto number 2, then sewing 2 together. Do the same with 4 and you're done! Enjoy happier teething.

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