
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Marrying 2 Pieces of Batting

Just want to let you know, next week I'm going into Holiday blogging mode. That means I'll only be blogging 2 times a week. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, I'm going to have less time on my hands for blogging. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Whenever I fill a quilt with batting, I always have a little too much and end up trimming off the excess. Today I'll show you how to sew that extra batting together so you can use it for another project. This is called marrying the batting.

First find two pieces of scraps that will cover your project. Line them up on top of the piece.

Once you're sure they'll work, make sure the edges are a strait line. I find I usually have to do some trimming. 

Now you can line the two edges up and sew them together. Don't overlap the pieces, that will cause excess bulk. Just line the two pieces up on your machine and zigzag them together.

This is what it will look like when it's done. You won't be able to tell when you use this that the batting has been pieced together. It's great to be able to use your scraps!

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